Wednesday, November 24, 2010


And he's thinking about himself now. Recalling why he is where he is. Reminding himself why. Recognizing the setbacks. Feeling the pain.

A stranger in hell, that is what he is. Though he claims that evilness is his craft, his acts betray him. His intentions, his aspirations --- they all mirror the person within.

But then again, nobody sees.

found this note as I was flipping through the pages of my civil law book. written last July 18, 2010, on the back of a starbucks receipt.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

first blow

I didn't even get to blink.

Having left with none, I was forced to face the inevitable. The sudden gap, the lingering painful scent & the burnt blueprints.

Your choice was to give in. Mine was happiness. It was not an easy choice. And it was not without effort and fear. I called on my wonderwalls at strange hours to fight idleness with whispers of hope and the promise of better days ahead. Sometimes, when the pillars are not available, liquid courage keep me company and it spoke of things I didn't dare speak.

I consciously skipped the big humps and built walls around me. Walls that were needed to remain focused on the goal and to keep my eyes from being distracted by the sea of faces. "I'll open my pandora's box when the case at hand is over," I said to myself.

And now that September's struggle was over and done with, it was a surprise that what I kept hidden transformed into something unsubstantial, negligible. I realized that it is of no use to me nor to who I desire to become. I no longer see the need of dealing with the intense emotions of the past because the now is far more important to cherish. Yes, I can be shaken at times of uncalled-for updates, but I'm not and can no longer be stirred. Hell to the no.

So, I'm un-stepping on the breaks now. Life already handed me the green light.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

on keeping my faith & the movie "The Book of Eli"

Just got home from watching the movie "The Book of Eli". One word: EPIC.

It was a cue which I badly needed after being too complacent lately as regards how I handle and view my faith. I know it's there, but I also know that it lacks intensity. It's like looking at it from afar and still trusting that it'll come and rescue me after my careless neglect. And my conscience is telling me that it should not be part of my loosening up.

My faith saw me through all of my battles. It was faith that made me relentlessly climb my mountains until I saw how majestic the view is from the top. It's the same faith that keeps me putting one foot after another during my runs. It is what makes me believe in the wonderful surprises that await me, the promise of true love and happiness. It is and will be the only thing that holds me together when everything else falls apart.

All of these things that my faith led me to achieve should be a constant reminder for me to be incessant in keeping it strong. That feeding it should be one of my priorities. And most importantly, because I know that I have it means that I should never doubt nor question. Yes, faith is absolute blind obedience. As Eli said, "Walk by faith and not by sight.... It's faith. It doesn't have to make sense."

And so with faith as my weapon, I trust that I will win my present and future battles with purpose. And I hope that in the end, I will also be able to speak these final words with pride: "I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race. And I have kept the faith."

Friday, March 5, 2010

friday, 14:17

"I don’t need no one to tell me about heaven
I look at my daughter, and I believe.
I don’t need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sunset and I perceive, yeah

darling, I believe, Oh Lord
sometimes it’s hard to breathe, Lord
at the bottom of the sea"

Faith. Keep still.

one hell of a weekend

the after party at the rooftop

Taken one super fun saturday night which I wrote about in one of my previous blogs.

That night's 3 stops:

1. Few drinks at Cafe Puccino.
2. One hell of a party at Encore. (thanks to Ishka, we made it on the guestlist)
3. after party drinking at the rooftop of O's hotel

... and the next thing we knew, it's already sunrise. ;D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

just do it

At these times, thinking won’t help — at all.

So for now, it would be pure choosing & doing.

A needed emotional shutdown where all else is insignificant but the goal.

This is me getting healthy.

This is me doing this for me.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

somewhere in the middle

'nuff said.